In 2011, I contacted a
local teacher-librarian, Sarah
Parmar, to recommend student editors who could review the current draft
of SABOTAGE and provide feedback. Sarah enlisted two girls and a boy:
Emma Sieben, Emma Parmar, and Andrew Kates. I met with my student
editors, explained what I was looking for, and gave each of them a
binder with the manuscript and a red pen. A few weeks later we met
again and my student editors gave me their verbal reports and their
red-inked copies of SABOTAGE. Their feedback was most valuable as I
launched into revising the manuscript, both to know what they loved
(keep!), what they found boring (cut!), and what they found confusing
(clarify). Thank you, Emma, Andrew, and Emma!
Karen Autio and student editors of Sabotage
SABOTAGE Review Excerpt